Mogami 2921 Biwire Speaker Cables
After the connectors are crimped on and the Teflon tape applied we add some CPA 100 1/2" to finish of the transition and seal the exposed end of the cut conductors. We leave the CPA about 1/4" past the end when applying heat, the CPA will shrink around the front sealing the end. A gentle press with your finger will ensure the hot adhesive seals completely.

The terminated amplifier ends should look like the ones below.

We do the same thing on the speaker ends, trim the conductors, twist them together, treat them with Stabilant 22A and crimp on the terminals. We are using Vampire B12 banana plugs in our example.

Again we use some Teflon tape to make a tidy transition before applying shrinktube.

We use CPA 100 1/4" to cover our banana plugs. Use a small needlenose plier to stretch the shrinktube before installation, this will make application easier.

The Vampire B12's really make a nice tidy job when we use CPA 100 1/4" instead of the supplied Red/Black rubber boots. The adhesive from the CPA will melt and seal the connection from the atmosphere as well.

Well, you have just finished a set of Mogami 2921 Star-Quad, Bi-wire speaker cables, congratulations!